Thursday, December 10, 2009

Ohio, I don't want to go home...

Well, it is true, I am home. I loved Ohio dearly. I miss it terribly. I will cherish the memories forever! I met so many incredible people. I feel blessed for the opportunity that I had to serve the people of The Great Ohio Mission. I knew I would miss it, but I had no idea that it would be so hard to leave.
I miss the wonderful people in the Middletown ward, and the two amazing girls I was able to teach. I miss my amazing missionary friends, and my Sister Callie :) Who made the last week of my mission memorable. I know that I am where the Lord wants me, and I am happy to be here. However, it is a bitter sweet thing to leave a place that I grew to love so much! So, I love you Ohio, I will see you again soon!